Uncovering my ADHD

In the depths of a two-year stint of depression, Katherine learned she had undiagnosed ADHD. She sha..
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My winding road to woodwork

After sustaining his SCI Frank thought his previous hands-on hobbies were off the table. After years..
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MS does not define me

Andros shares the impact of his MS diagnosis in 2019, and the ways he’s refused to let the chronic..
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Motherhood with a spinal cord injury

Katherine Reed reflects on seven years of being a mum with a spinal cord injury...
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Support Worker Spotlight

We wanted to give you the chance to get to know some of our amazing Support Workers. Meet Ebuka and ..
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I waited for her every week

Brata recounts the impact his Peer Mentor Thelma had on his recovery and wellbeing during rehab. Now..
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I’m fed up with excuses

Living in Stratford, in eastern Victoria, Kim has been repeatedly made to wait for hours for wheelch..
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Forget what you know about retirement villages

Valerie and Geoff’s family home felt large and lonely after their kids left home. After overcoming..
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The world of difference

Peer Mentor Ian Douglas, winner of the 2023 Nigel Steele Award for his dedicated mentoring work, sha..
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Remembering Rocca Salcedo

In late November, our community lost a friend and a leader, Rocca Salcedo. Below are a few words com..
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Turkey’s rich tapestry

AQA’s Naz Erdem recounts his trip of a lifetime to Turkey, and the rewarding spontaneity that trav..
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Determined to drift

Luke was still in rehab for his SCI when he started hunting down his next source of adrenaline. Thre..
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Almost, but not close enough

A community member offers a cautionary tale of accessibility at the Mayfair Hotel in Adelaide, and a..
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Dis-adventures of John: Mini Me

Words by John Theodoropoulos, Illustrations by Dina Theodoropoulos I was holidaying with family in a..
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Exploring Japan

AQA’s Lachie O’Brien describes his recent tour of Japan, and offers some travel tips along the w..
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The twists and turns of a day at the Grand Prix 

Hear two perspectives on a trip to the Grand Prix. ..
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Remembering Wayne Bradshaw

Naz Erdem honours the life and work of Wayne Bradshaw, long-time AQA Peer Mentor, Information Offic..
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Balancing fatherhood and recovery

A young father describes the challenges of adjusting to life with a spinal cord injury while raising..
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What Peer Support means to me

AQA Peer Mentor Ben Gruter describes his first experience meeting a Peer Mentor in rehab, his journe..
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Hang on, help is on its way

AQA Peer Volunteer and dancer Karen James shares how her support network kicked into gear when she n..
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Vale Cliff Wise

AQA CEO Peter Trethewey reflects on the life and legacy of Cliff Wise, a founding father of AQA and ..
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From Nurse to Support Worker: ‘It’s More of a Life!’

Sharon Brill found herself drawn to disability support work for its variety and autonomy ...
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Sex, Drugs, and a Few Accessibility Issues

Attending a Foo Fighters stadium concert was Simon Bibby’s first major event since sustaining his ..
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Finding My Way With Rugby

My name is Rubie, and I’m 26. Before my spinal cord injury in 2019, I had been living in France an..
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The Dogs That Changed My Life

In 2000, Tanya Clarke got a call from a coordinator at the Transport Accident Commission. They wante..
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Stepping stones for reimagining a way of life

Until mid-2020, Dion Woodward was a long-haul trucker. When he got time off he liked to ride his mot..
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Peak – trough – peak!

I am a T2 paraplegic and have been using a wheelchair for coming up on 11 years now. ..
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Discovering Who I am

At 19 I was working towards an apprenticeship as a jockey, in a job I loved, when I had a fall that ..
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The Moments That Shape Us

Life can be seen as a series of moments that lead us to where we are now. Although some moments are ..
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Finding Hope

As I sat in the recliner wheelchair unable to move, all I could do was stare at the pale blue wall i..
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When Your Fondest Hopes Come True

At 65, John Lace was doing well. He had 35,000 citrus trees, on four properties, accumulated over 40..
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Lady with a cucumber

lot of us had plans for 2020 that Covid-19 put paid to. When restrictions were finally lifted, Emily..
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How participating in community networks has helped me live well

Barbara had a spinal cord injury in 2005 and completed her rehab at Olympia Private Rehabilitation H..
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I was Still The Same Person

In October 1993 I was involved in a serious car accident which left me with C5 complete quadriplegia..
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Lessons from 20 years of support work

Story by Ian Baker Rita Figueiredo began to work with AQA more than 20 years ago, at a critical time..
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Living in The Moment

“I never thought much about having kids,” says Jason Ellery, 32, who has two sons. Kyden has jus..
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The Power of Peer Support

The emotional stresses and extra challenges faced by people living with a spinal cord injury ..
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